About interest only - Heliodor

About interest only


If you have an interest only mortgage, your monthly payments only cover the interest charged on the balance you owe. Your payments don’t reduce the total amount you owe over time, so when your mortgage reaches the end of its term, you’ll need to repay this to us as a lump sum.

This is different to a repayment (capital & interest) mortgage. Here, your monthly payments cover the interest charged each month and also pay off some of the balance that you owe. This means that if you make all your monthly payments in full and on time, your mortgage will be fully repaid at the end of its term (excluding any mortgage exit fees).

Alternatively, you could have a part & part mortgage, where a portion of your mortgage is on a repayment (capital and interest) basis and another portion is on interest only. Here, your monthly payments will cover the interest charged on the whole amount you owe, but you’ll also be repaying part of that total balance each month. So unlike a full repayment mortgage, this means there will still be a lump sum to pay at the end of the mortgage term.


Find out what type of mortgage you have

Do you have an interest only or part & part mortgage? If you’re unsure, it’s easy to find out.

We regularly send letters to customers with interest only and part & part mortgages. So you can check to see if we’ve sent you a letter about this. Alternatively, you can view your latest mortgage statement or review your most recent mortgage offer documents.

You can also find this information using Self-Serve, our secure online mortgage service, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you’ve already registered, you can Sign In here. For more details, see our Using Self-Serve page.

If you’re still unsure, please contact us.

Unsecured loans

If you have a standalone unsecured loan or an unsecured loan that is part of a Together mortgage, your unsecured loan will always be on a repayment (capital & interest) basis.

Make sure you have a plan to repay your balance

If you have an interest only or part & part mortgage, you need to have a repayment plan in place to repay the lump sum by the end of your mortgage term.

To help give you as many options as possible, you should make a plan to pay back your outstanding balance or minimise any potential shortfall in the amount that you can repay.

If you don’t yet have a plan, it’s never too late to get started. The sooner you act, the more options you’re likely to have.

See your options

If you can’t repay your balance at the end of the term

When your mortgage term ends, if we can’t agree on how you’ll repay your outstanding balance, we may take legal action to take possession of your property. Of course, this is always the last resort and we’ll do our best to work with you to find a better outcome.

If you don’t have a plan or you’re worried you won’t be able to repay the outstanding balance as a lump sum you owe at the end of your term, please talk to us as soon as possible.

There may be ways we can support or assist you, and our experienced team are here to help.


Tell us your plans

However you intend to repay your balance, it’s important that you tell us your plans. We need an up-to-date record of your plan.

You can use our online Self-Serve system to tell us about your plan or update any information you’ve previously told us.

Your plan must be robust enough, to ensure that you’re sufficiently prepared to repay the lump sum at the end of your mortgage term. If you don’t have an effective repayment plan, we can guide you through various options that might be suitable and highlight sources of independent advice.

Go online or call us

You can tell us your plans using Self-Serve, our secure online service. If you’ve already registered, you can Sign In at any time and share details of your plans with us, using the new Repayment plan form which you find in your Account Summary screen.

For more details about how to register, please see our Using Self-Serve page.

Alternatively, please call us on 0370 703 0312 to tell us your plans directly. Our dedicated team is available Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.30pm.

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